October 16, 2011

Community Webpage/Forum?

A community webpage or forum for a trivia channel can be as innocuous as a simple page giving basic information for the game or it can be a full-blown cornucopia of facts about players and upcoming events. Whatever, it's nice to have a web presence for an IRC room which never sees the light of day!

A trivia room with a community webpage or forum is a good indication that the channel is seeking to establish an ongoing presence and values its players. If you're playing trivia in an IRC channel rather than anonymously on the web, then community and friendship must be important to you.


A community webpage or forum is not only good for promoting friendship but it's also useful for making announcements and keeping in touch with players who may be away from the game for some reason.

A forum would be the ideal place to have those extended discussions that you can't have in a trivia channel. A trivia game often sparks a lot of discussion and without time or space to address issues properly while new questions are coming at you, it can be frustrating.

If player bios and pics are included, you get to *really* know who you're playing with!


It's extra work for the trivia channel manager or OPs, and some players actually prefer their 'community' to be underground, never to see the light of day!

Also, it's conceivable that mischievous OPs or players may use a community webpage or forum to divulge information about you that you were happy to divulge in the relative privacy of a trivia channel, but would not like to see published online for the world to see. It's a possibility, but if the channel manager's purpose is to build a lasting harmonious community then this sort of thing would be strongly discouraged.

See List of IRC trivia rooms with community webpage/fo...

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