October 16, 2011

Bonuses, Jackpots?

More trivia channels are enhancing their games with various bonus features for streaking and speed, and some have added jackpot bonuses for no reason whatsoever other than to increase scores and it is a matter of personal choice, really, whether you think these enhancements add value to the game or detract from it.


You are likely to meet the world's best players in these rooms (a good 'pro' if you enjoy stiff competition).

If you're an expert triv player then bonuses and jackpots make it worth your while to keep on playing.

If you're trying to improve your game then a speed bonus makes it worth while to learn how to type properly; but you may have to pay bigger bucks for a faster connection.

If you choose a quite time of the day to play - not easy, because these rooms are truly global - you can enjoy incredible rewards for your efforts. A streak bonus is a lovely reward for hard work.


Beginners and slow to average players don't stand a chance in these rooms because the world's best players achieve that distinction by being totally focused on their game, nobody else's, and will plug away for hours achieving astronomical scores without caring that they are preventing others less savvy from playing.

These rooms are not designed for community spirit - none of them have websites - so if you expect pleasant chat between questions you may be disappointed. The guys here are into scoring, not chatting and if they don't answer a question it is because they probably have you on /ignore.

When scoring takes precedence over the joy of learning and testing your memory with the trivia game - as well as getting to know other players - expect bad behavior. Bullying, cheating and stealing tend to be more prevalent in these rooms than elsewhere;and with these evils come flared tempers and a lot of hurt feelings. Enter at your risk!

See List of IRC trivia rooms with bonuses

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